Preparing for Your Stay
A few days before your stay, you’ll be contacted by a member of our registration staff who will ask you some questions to begin the process of establishing your medical record. This phone call will only take a few minutes and will save you time on the day you’re admitted. If there are any tests (blood tests, X-rays, etc.) that need to be done prior to a procedure or surgery, those times will be scheduled at your convenience.
When discussing your condition with your physician, the registration staff or the pre-admission testing staff, please answer the questions honestly and completely. Certain medications, allergies, or lifestyle habits can affect your ability to heal.
Things to remember to bring with you:
- Your photo identification
- Your insurance information
- Signed copies of your medical power of attorney and advance directives forms, if you have them
- A complete list of all the medications – prescribed, over-the-counter and herbals – you are currently taking
Things you should leave at home:
- Jewelry, cash or other valuables
Cell Phones and Laptops
Cell phones are permitted in most hospital areas with the exception of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). We ask, however, that you respect other’s need for quiet when using your phone. Please silence your phone by placing it in vibrate mode. Your nurse may ask you to end your call if your phone use is causing a disruption for other patients.
If you have wireless capability in your personal laptop, you are welcome to access the Internet through the hospital’s wireless service. You can gain access to the Internet using the password that can be obtained from your nurse. If you have a question, please talk with your nursing staff who will assist you.
Please understand that cell phones and laptop computers are considered valuables and we cannot be responsible for these items. We recommend that you give your valuables to a family member for safekeeping when not in use.
You may have additional questions during you stay. Please do not hesitate to talk to your physician or your nurse, or dial 0 to be directed to the nursing supervisor on duty.
Featured Services

Surgical Clinic

Emergency Services

Urgent Care

Physical and Occupational Rehabilitation
