Confused About a Medication or Procedure?
If you are scheduled for a procedure you don’t quite understand, or want to know more about a new medication you’re taking, our nurses can provide you with the information you need. Your nurse can provide you with printed information about procedures, medications, dietary restrictions, nutritional information, appropriate exercise, diseases and conditions and more. You will receive some of informational materials in your patient folder, but if you have more information, simply ask and your nurse can get you the answers you need.
After you return home, you may receive a confidential patient satisfaction survey in the mail. Achieving high scores on these surveys is extremely important to our staff, and your answers and comments help us recognize every opportunity to improve your experience at Coshocton Regional Medical Center. If you receive a survey, please take a moment to complete and return it.
If you wish to speak with a chaplain, please ask a member of the nursing staff to contact one; Coshocton Regional Medical Center has a chaplain on call 24-hours-a-day. You are also welcome to visit our chapel, located outside the emergency department on the first floor.
Preparing for Your Discharge
From the moment you’re admitted to the hospital, your health care team is preparing for you to be ready for discharge to your residence or to a rehabilitation facility to complete your recuperation. We offer a specialized discharge nurse who will work with you throughout your stay to make sure you are well prepared to continue your recovery after your discharge. Our case managers are also available to work with you to arrange for medical supplies or home health assistance to help you complete your care.
As your discharge time nears, your physician will complete the discharge orders. Often those orders require the completion of final tests or additional medication, all of which will need to be completed before your discharge can happen. Your discharge nurse will keep you informed and will contact your case manager as necessary to make your discharge as smooth as possible.
Visiting Hours
During your stay at Coshocton Regional Medical Center, we recognize how important your family and friends can be to your recovery. If you have a special request for a loved one to be with you beyond the normal visiting hours, please talk with your nurse and we can make the appropriate accommodations. We do reserve the right to limit visitation if your condition requires it.
Nursing Units
Daily – 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Daily – 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
ICU Special Restrictions
- Visitation is limited to no more than two patients in the room at one time.
- Children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the patient’s room.
- Due to the chance of infection, flowers and live plants are not permitted.
Patient Condition Reports
When you arrive at Coshocton Regional Medical Center as a patient (inpatient, observation patient or outpatient surgery), we will ask you to provide the names of the family members or friends to whom we may release information about your condition. For the privacy of our patients, we will only release information about a patient’s condition to those designated by you or your caregiver.
Cell Phone Use
Cell phones are permitted in most hospital areas with the exception of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). We ask, however, that you respect our need for quiet when using your phone. Please silence your phone by placing it in vibrate mode. The nursing staff may ask you or a visitor to end your indoor cell phone use if your phone use is causing a disruption for other patients.
Laptop Use
If you have wireless capability in your personal laptop, you are welcome to access the Internet through the hospital’s wireless service. Simply connect to CRMC WIFI, open your browser and click “Accept.”
For the safety of your personal property, we suggest you send the laptop or electronic device home with a family member when it will be left unattended in the hospital, such as when you are asleep or out of your room for tests or procedures.
Since the use of tobacco can interfere with your healing process, we urge you to speak with your physician to obtain nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) during your stay. Tobacco use is prohibited inside the hospital and on Coshocton Regional Medical Center property including sidewalks and parking lots.
Featured Services

Surgical Clinic

Emergency Services

Urgent Care

Physical and Occupational Rehabilitation
