Information for Visitors
At Coshocton Regional Medical Center, we recognize the important role visits play in a patient’s healing process. A smile and quiet time spent with family and friends can go a long way in calming fears and aiding recovery. That’s why we welcome visitors, depending upon the condition and preference of our patient.
There may be times when visitation is restricted, such as when a patient is in the intensive care unit or is in the emergency room. In these cases, the number and age of visitors may be restricted to protect the patient and allow for appropriate care, since the care, privacy and comfort of our patients is our primary concern.
Here is information we hope will be of help to you as you plan your visit.
Visiting Hours
Nursing Units
Daily – 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Daily – 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
ICU Special Restrictions
- Visitation is limited to no more than one visitor in the room at one time.
- Children under the age of 18 are not permitted in the patient’s room.
- Due to the chance of infection, flowers and live plants are not permitted.
Please note:
- We reserve the right to limit visitation if the patient’s condition requires it.
- Overnight visitation is encouraged if warranted by the patient’s condition. Please check with the nurse on duty who can assist you.
Patient Condition Reports
When patients arrive at Coshocton Regional Medical Center as a patient, we ask them to provide the names of the family members or friends to whom we may release information about their condition. For the privacy of our patients, we will only release information about a patient’s condition to those designated by the patient or his or her caregiver.
Contact Information
- Hospital Main Number: (740) 622-6411
- 4th Floor Nurse’s Station: (740) 623-4461
- Outpatient Surgery: (740) 623-4356
- ICU Nurses’ Station: (740) 623-4256
- ICU Waiting Room: (740) 623-3096
Protect Patients From Infection
If you are ill, please do not visit your loved one in the hospital. If you must visit, please ask the nurse for a mask and wear it at all times.
All visitors are asked to use hand sanitizer before entering and after leaving the patient’s room. There is hand sanitizer available for your use in the patient rooms, at all hospital entrances and in several locations throughout the hospital.
Public Restrooms
Public restrooms are located on the first floor near the registration area. There are also restrooms for public use on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors; check at the nurse’s station for the location. For the safety and convenience of our patients, restrooms in the patient rooms are reserved for patient use only.
To help ensure that our patients are getting the proper nutrition to help them heal, we often monitor their meal intake. For that reason, we ask that visitors refrain from eating from the patient’s room tray.
If you would like to join your loved one for a meal, you are welcome to bring your cafeteria selections to the room on trays provided in the cafeteria. For purchase of meal delivery directly to the room, please speak with the nurse on duty.
The cafeteria is located on the ground floor.
Meal service is available:
Monday through Friday
- Breakfast – 7 to 9:30 a.m.
- Lunch – 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
- Cafeteria closes at 2:30 p.m.
The cafeteria is closed on Saturdays and Sundays
Vending machines are available in the emergency department waiting room on the first floor.
Gift Shop
The gift shop is located on the ground floor, across from the cafeteria.
Hours: Monday through Friday – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
(The gift shop is managed by the Pink Ladies Auxiliary, a volunteer organization. Hours may vary.)
General Information
Cell Phone Use
Cell phones are permitted in most hospital areas with the exception of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). We ask, however, that you respect our patients’ need for quiet whenever you are in a patient’s room or the nursing unit hallway. Please silence your phone by either turning it off or placing it in vibrate mode. Coshocton Regional Medical Center reserves the right to require you to end your indoor cell phone use if your phone use is causing a disruption for our patients.
Laptop Use
If you have wireless capability in your personal laptop, you are welcome to access the Internet through the hospital’s wireless service. Simply connect to the CRMC WIFI, open you browser and click “Accept.”
Tobacco use is prohibited inside the hospital and on Coshocton Regional Medical Center property, including sidewalks and parking lots.
Featured Services

Surgical Clinic

Emergency Services

Urgent Care

Physical and Occupational Rehabilitation
